
Who are we?
A pledged network committed to implement the very often preached, but seldom
practiced phrase "help the underprivileged".

What we do?
Our objectives go far beyond providing meager amenities. We create a positive
impact on lives of the children, help their dreams come true.

How can you help?
Your ability to extend your helping hand to our mission is limited only by your 
imagination. Get involved and strengthen us!

V2HelpU (We too help you) is a non-profit organization committed to serve
underprivileged children - orphaned, abandoned, destitute, physically
challenged, economically and socially deprived, and other vulnerable groups.
Our mission is to change their lives - by providing education, health care,
basic needs, and skills necessary to transform them into self-reliant and
responsible citizens.

Latest News

  • Splash and Sparkle (Painting of Government School)
  • Completion of three successful years serving the needy

Check our Activities page for more details.

Please Support us by following and liking our page on social media.